
If you are interested in becoming an importer for Baratza Grinders or would like to purchase Baratza Grinders in a country that is not listed, please contact [email protected]

Technical Support

If you are a consumer looking for technical support for your Baratza grinder, please click here.

Importer (Sells to Retailers)

Sulalat Coffee Trading Est.

4600 Alquafilah, Rabwa
Riyadh, 7206-12816
Saudi Arabia

Company Website: Sulalat Coffee Trading Est.

Wholesale Email Address: [email protected]
Support Email Address: [email protected]

Wholesale Phone Number: +966114969556
Support Phone Number: +966114969556


Dimitri’s Coffee

Company Website: Dimitri’s Coffee

Retail Email Address: [email protected]

Retail Phone Number: +(962) 799669001